23 freshman in Seminary? Have a good time with that! haha. Conner is already a freshman, crazy. I thought he was younger. I don`t remember what year Bro. Decocq taught us seminary, he was a good teacher though. Along with Bro Nay. Good times for sure.
Tanner has written one time since he`s been home! So I`m sure he`s doing just fine haha.
I did take out that money and it will be put to good use. I already purchased a good pair of slack and will be returning today to purchase another. With that I should be good. I am very grateful and will make sure to tell them thanks!
Stocked to get another package! I ran out of deodorant a couple weeks back and had to make the switch again to Argentine deodorant. So please send some more again, that would be highly appreciated. Old Spice Denali Dry. And I can`t really think of anything else I absolutely need, so surprise me! You`re always welcome to send dollars also haha. The dollar is worth 9 pesos here right now, but the bank only exchanges 5 pesos per dollar. So the value almost doubles if you have the actual dollar.
This week has been a little crazy because the entire world is talking Politics. Argentina voted for something important yesterday. It wasn`t for President, but for something else important. I`m not sure exactly. But the two big candidates were Cipolini and Carim and all of Saenz Peña was decked out with posters, signs, stickers, banners, shirts, and campain buses that were driving around with a campaign song for each candidate blasting in the streets. The Argentines are crazy about there Politics. Election day was yesterday and I was scarred that our investigators weren`t going to come to church because they had to vote. But we still had some show up so all was well. It`s a law that each citizen has to vote or your receive a fine for not voting. So everyone was talking all about the election this week. Glad it`s over haha.
We had a really successful week last week and are hoping to start off this week the same. I`m excited because this week Norma will be getting married which is something we`ve been waiting a long time for. She is excited for her marriage and for her baptism next week. That`s the most exciting news. As for our other investigatores they are progressing well and if all goes asl planned there will be more baptism`s the end of this month in Saenz Peña. We still haven`t been able to travel to Pampas Del Infiero to visit the Perez family because Hno. y Hna. Perez traveled again to Buenos Aires this week. So are visit was postponed again. We will see if we will be going this week. I hope so, that is if I`m here!
Transfers are tomorrow and I honestly have no idea what is going to happen. I could be leaving, could be staying and I dont really have a strong feeling that one or the other will happen. So we will see! I`ll be happy with whatever to tell the truth. I just want to keep working well, the place isn`t really important for me. Our Zone Leaders and some of the other missionaries in our zone think that I will be leaving. But only time will tell! You guys will know what happened next Monday.
Nothing to out of the ordinary happened this week. The only thing that is kind of crazy that I can think off is Wednesday or Thursday we had some crazy wind storms. Really, really strong winds. Combined with dirt and trash it isn`t the best combination. Other then that, nothing to note worthy haha.
Bueno, going to wrap this up and send some photos over! Have a good week. Love you all. :)
Elder Deniston.